About Us
Africa Unite is a non-profit, non-governmental organization and was formed in response to concerns voiced by young adults living in Cape Town. Initially started in 2001 as part of IDASA (Institute for Democracy in South Africa) it became autonomous in 2004. AU is community based and believes in working from within communities to create a better future for it's residents. The founders of AU have highlighted the problems of crime, xenophobia, racism, unemployment and lack of education as the basic problems facing the youth of the communities they work into. To combat the legacy of the divide between races and the growing ignorance and intolerance between cultures and classes, the Africa Unite project has initiated various activities to encourage friendly relations, understanding and upliftment.

These activities are only possible because they are run by volunteers from the communities themselves and are sponsored by generous outside donors. The end product which Africa Unite hopes to achieve is to see the youth given the tools and opportunities to become empowered, educated, understanding and free from the traps which many sadly fall in to, including turning to crime, drugs and gangsterism.

Through a combination of educational and practical programmes the AU prepare young adults to face the challenges of living in South Africa while also being agents of change within communities themselves.

Human Rights Peer Education
The issues of discrimination and xenophobia are real problems in communities and ignorance of other cultures is linked to these problems. Peer educators, who are already involved in other community-based youth groups, are sent on intensive human rights training. The aim of this is that they would take their knowledge back and disseminate it amongst their peers.

Life Skills for Unemployed Youth
Unemployed youths are recruited in previously disadvantaged communities and are given basic training in areas such as being responsible adults.  Thereafter the organization assists them with job placement and learnership opportunities at various companies.

Homework Help
Volunteers help particularly in the areas of Mathematics and Science and aim to increase Matric pass rates, especially disadvantaged schools in townships.

Savings Schemes
Unemployment is a real problem and this savings and investment scheme hopes to practically educate and empower youth by promoting a culture of saving, encouraging them to save at least R3,00 per day, in order to explore small business ventures and so create jobs and break the barrier of poverty and encourage others to do the same.

Youth HIV and Reproductive Health
It is no secret that HIV/AIDS is a real problem facing the youth of South Africa. This programme aims to educate orphans, vulnerable children and Child headed households about reproductive health and to promote responsible sexual behaviour.

Youth and Social Debates
Issues of particular pertinence to communities, like discrimination, identity and human rights are discussed and debated among the youth from different backgrounds.

Cultural exchange programme
Aims to promote multiculturalism and integration through language, African traditional music and arts.  The Programme is based on traditional African values and belief systems and uses training for upliftment and development of different people

Community Sport
Friendly games of basketball and football are arranged between teams from different communities of all races. This encourages integration and mutual understanding in a non-threatening, fun atmosphere while also developing a sense of teamwork and camaraderie within teams.

Intergenerational program
This program seeks to provide a mechanism to reaffirm the value of elderly persons and to provide an opportunity for effective skills transfer. The wisdom of elderly persons should be shared with the younger generation.


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